The weight of top down, disempowering, highly centralized leadership is crushing the church, burning out leaders, and increasing the cynicism of those outside the faith
Create a culture where...
View themselves as curators of a community on a mission
Is the overarching ethos
The Weight
Of leading is greatly reduced
Becomes a natural outcome
Coaching and Training Can Give You The Tools and Language To Fulfill Your Potential
We've coached and trained thousands of church planters, pastors, leaders, and denominational networks across the globe.
Over 100 cumulative years of experience leading in many contexts - including traditional church, church planting, mega churches, disciple making movements, and church planting movements.
We have produced Seminary Courses, Podcasts, Hundreds of Webinars, and 30 Books about Discipleship, Church Multiplication, and Leadership.
Leadership Transformation
Church Planting
Organizational Renewal
In a fast-paced, ever-changing world, faith-based leaders are finding it more and more difficult to navigate the shifts. You have read a lot, attended conferences, and believe much of what you are leaning into. Yet, the “How do we do it?” answers still seem just out of reach.
We are confident that we can help you in that quest.